Beyond the Badge
Humanizing Heroes

Dedicated to presenting an authentic and unfiltered portrayal of the dedication and valor of law enforcement officers and those that support them through genuine storytelling. Our vision is to illuminate the deeply human essence of these individuals to the communities they serve.


Real-life experiences of officers, shedding light on their triumphs, challenges, and the meaningful connections they forge within their communities. By providing a window into their lives, we foster understanding and empathy among viewers towards law enforcement and those officers and community leaders brought to life in each episode.


Inspire future generations of officers while fostering appreciation for the crucial role law enforcement plays in ensuring safe communitiesand building trust.

“Beyond the Badge” presents the complexities of American policing in an authentic manner.


We use websites, partnering, agency digital platforms and digital streaming services to reach an broad, international audience. Through authentic narratives and experiences, we encourage viewers to reconsider their perceptions of law enforcement, changing hearts and minds.

Will you help us?

We rely on the financial support of others to produce this series of stories focused on real life heroes and their efforts to build safer communities by serving others. Let’s change hearts and minds together.

We are grateful for your gift, large or small.