The Force Defenders

An engaging and educational digital comic series tailored for children aged four to eight, with a focus on positive messages of understanding, cooperation, and empathy.

Utilize digital formats accessible across various platforms, including tablets, smartphones, and computers, to deliver standalone episodes featuring a diverse law enforcement team.

Each episode presents entertaining stories with clear moral lessons or positive messages, conveyed through vibrant illustrations and age-appropriate language.

The Goals

Educate children about positive values such as understanding, cooperation, and empathy through entertaining storytelling.

Foster a sense of community and teamwork by showcasing diverse characters working together towards common goals.

Provide a platform for parents and educators to initiate discussions about important social and emotional topics, encouraging the development of critical thinking and empathy towards law enforcement in young minds – the next generation.


Empower children to make positive choices and navigate social interactions with empathy and understanding.

Foster inclusivity by featuring law enforcement characters from diverse agencies, backgrounds and experiences, promoting acceptance and appreciation of differences, paving the way for a more inclusive society.

Create a ripple effect of kindness and cooperation within communities as children internalize the messages conveyed in the series, ultimately shaping them into empathetic and inclusive adults who contribute positively to society.

Will you help us?

We rely on the financial support of others to produce this comic series focused on school-aged youth.  By creating characters that are easily relatable, we can tackle difficult educational topics and at the same time inspire trust and friendship between youth and law enforcement officers.  Let’s change our world together.

We are grateful for your gift, large or small.