The Hero Collection

A library of 90-second video interviews highlighting the positive contribution of individuals in support of law enforcement and the communities they serve.   These stories illuminate acts of heroism, exceptional community service, and remarkable generosity with the ultimate aim of counteracting negative stereotypes while fostering trust and inspiration.

The overarching goal of “The Hero Collection” is to change hearts and minds by sharing stories that are not being told – human interest stories that Inspire hope, peace, and trust between law enforcement and communities served, that motivate the public to reconsider their feelings toward law enforcement officers and the vital role they play in a peaceful society.


  • Digital exhibitions:   American Police Hall of Fame & Nationwide ILEX Tour.
  • YouTube channel hosted by USLEF, titled “The Hero Collection”.
  • USLEF social media platforms and digital campaigns for widespread engagement.

Will you help us?

We rely on the financial support of others to produce these important stories of real life heroes and their impact on law enforcement and the communities they serve.

We are grateful for your gift, large or small.